What is Doubles Dink For Cancer?

The Association of Pickleball Players, UTR Sports, and the American Cancer Society have joined forces to create Doubles Dink for Cancer – a first-of-its-kind community-based fundraising program designed to spark healthier living and raise crucial funds for the fight against cancer.

These volunteer-led, round robin doubles tournaments can happen anytime, anywhere and are designed to be fun and open to players of all levels – from the most experienced pickleball players to people picking up a paddle for the first time!

Doubles Dink for Cancer is far more than a pickleball tournament – it unites communities around a beloved sport and towards a single mission: to end cancer as we know it, for everyone!

Create an event

Sign up to run a pickleball event in your community. We’re here to help every step of the way!

Donate now

Don’t have time to play, but want to support our mission? Your donation will truly help save lives.

Ask a Question

The APP team is ready to help. Ask us anything!

About the American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is the leading cancer-fighting organization with a vision of ending cancer as we know it, for everyone. We are the only organization working to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. Learn more about who we are, what we do, and our plans for the future by exploring the areas below. To learn more, visit cancer.org or call our 24/7 helpline at 1-800-227-2345. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Learn More!


Are you a captain of compassion ready to unite your community around pickleball and join the fight against cancer? You can make a huge difference by running a Doubles Dink for Cancer event – and have a lot of fun while you’re at it! Whether to celebrate a cancer survivor or a loved one lost, Doubles Dink for Cancer is a fun, easy way to do good and feel good.

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Play PickleBall and

Take an Active Role in Cancer Prevention

Regular physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of several types of cancer and a physically active lifestyle may also lower a person's risk of other health problems. To adopt a physically active lifestyle, the American Cancer Society recommends people move more and sit less!

1 in 5

Cancers in the US are linked to excess body weight and lack of physical activity.

16 of 100

Cancer deaths in the US are linked to excess body weight and lack of physical activity.


Limit sedentary behavior such as sitting, lying down, watching television, or other forms of screen-based entertainment. So, get up, play pickleball!


Adults should get 150-300 mins of moderate intensity or 75-150 mins of vigorous intensity activity each week. Why not fill those minutes with pickleball?

Regular physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of several types of cancer and a physically active lifestyle may also lower a person's risk of other health problems. To adopt a physically active lifestyle, the American Cancer Society recommends people move more and sit less!

Play PickleBall and

Take an Active Role in Cancer Prevention

Regular physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of several types of cancer and a physically active lifestyle may also lower a person's risk of other health problems. To adopt a physically active lifestyle, the American Cancer Society recommends people move more and sit less!


Adults should get 150-300 mins of moderate intensity or 75-150 mins of vigorous intensity activity each week. Why not fill those minutes with pickleball?


Limit sedentary behavior such as sitting, lying down, watching television, or other forms of screen-based entertainment. So, get up, play pickleball!

Stay Safe While Playing Pickleball

While pickleball has significant health benefits, it also means more time spent outdoors in the sun. Make sure you are taking proper precautions to protect yourself and your family from skin cancer while playing pickleball.

Wear SunglasseS

Protect your eyes while playing outdoors.

Plan Off-Peak Play

Avoid playing pickleball during peak sun hours.

Wear Sunscreen

Properly apply sunscreen with SPF of 30+.

Seek Shade

Retreat to a shady spot during breaks in play.

Cover Up

Wear protective clothing to protect from exposure.