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Player Blog: Bobbi Oshiro

Player Blog: Bobbi Oshiro

APP Pro Bobbi Oshiro gives us a peek inside her experience at The Owl APP Newport Beach Open

Bobbi Oshiro
July 7, 2024
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July 7, 2024, 12:52 p.m.

Last last little entry here, but couldn't couldn't pull it off in our in our mixed doubles match. Big kudos to Jack and Megan today, they played really well and didn't didn't give us much room to be able to execute a lot of our shots, so congrats to them for getting gold. I think when you get the chance to play Sunday and you lose that match that's always the hardest, but at the end of the day you go back to the drawing board and you keep going. Another day tomorrow, another tournament in the next couple of weeks.

I think one of the biggest things that really keeps players sane and really keeps us going is the support that we get from family and friends and the relationships that we really make off the court with the other players as well. So I'd really like to thank the APP for putting on a great tournament, and thank you to the staff. On to the next one!

I think right now we're just gonna settle on going to Trader Joe's. Coming from Hawaii we do not have that back home, so they're gonna want to go to Trader Joe's, take some snacks back home, and then and then rest up a little bit until the next one.

July 7, 2024, 11:16 a.m.

Last day, best day! Will and I are in Championship Sunday for mixed doubles against Jack and Megan. Of course, we're going to try and go back-to-back. With us getting gold back in New York in the last APP tournament, for us to be able to go back-to-back is going to be a goal of ours. Of course, there's gonna be a little bit of pressure for us to get this one but I think we want to be able to put that in the back of our heads, go out there, play our game, and execute. Jack and Megan had a really good run on Friday to get here, so really excited for us to be able to to play against them. So hopefully it'll be a good one.

I can't forget about the other great matches on today for Championship Sunday, of course another great singles match with John and Chris - amazing, amazing for John. He also comes from Florida and is an amazing singles player, and of course women's singles with Kate and Megan. I had to be on the receiving end of really great game of singles against Kate, so good luck to all the other players playing today in Championship Sunday!

July 6, 2024, 2:07 p.m.

Just lost of tough one in the quarters to Megan and Jill. Kudos to them they played a great game. Of course I loved being able to play again with Rianna in this tournament. I thought we gelled a lot better for this one, so hopefully we can find other tournaments this year or even next year to kind of continue the work that we've been putting in. But tomorrow's a new day, tomorrow's Championship Sunday with Will in mixed doubles against Jack and Megan. So today we're ending a little bit early so we're gonna probably go shopping, I haven't done that this week because we we've been having a lot of long days, so probably gonna take my folks shopping, which is something that they actually want to do instead of watching pickleball, and then get ready for for tomorrow, Championship Sunday!

July 6, 2024, 12:21 p.m.

So women's doubles today, Rianna and I just won our first match against Domenika and Brooke, who's been an emerging pickleball player here, so really awesome to play against them. We're into the quarters against a really, really tough team, Megan and Jill, so we're just gonna go ahead and kind of get prepared, get into the right mindset, and hopefully get out there and execute.

When I first started playing pickleball, I believe it was maybe around three years ago, it was the end of COVID. I played with, you know, a couple great, older guys, lost and thought I would try again, because I thought 'oh, well, maybe I gotta try this again and see if I could take a couple of wins there.' But that's how it all started and we fast forward to today here in Newport. Now we're seeing tournaments at 1800 players which is amazing to be able to see that growth in the sport, as well as how much of the younger crowd is getting into to it as well. A lot of tennis players get into this sport, so really cool to see that growth in the last two years.

My mom and auntie came all the way from Hawaii for this!

July 6, 2024, 9:49 a.m.

Back at it on Saturday for women's doubles with Rianna! Yesterday Will and I were able to get to Championship Sunday so you need to celebrate a little bit there. What I usually like to go for, I'm a huge bowl person - anything bowl - so we actually went to a Vietnamese restaurant had a nice vermicelli bowl there. So those are usually my go-to meals. Fueled up from there and then hopefully get to start off the day on a good note and continue the run from yesterday.

I'm playing with Rianna today, and we actually played together for the first time in the past APP tournament in New York, had a quarters run. Of course we want to do better in this tournament. She's a great player, great person on and off the court. She's from this area, so hopefully we can continue to work together, communicate with each other and get the ball rolling.


July 5, 2024, 5:32 p.m.

Awesome day today with with Will! We just took that semis against another, of course, great team of Jill and Eric. So really excited for us to be back in Championship Sunday. I know we had a good run in New York, so hopefully we can continue that as well. What's really awesome too, like I said before, is my mom and auntie are here getting to watch me, coming over from Hawaii, so for them to see me and get to stay for another day to watch me on Champ Sunday is really awesome. I don't think they actually saw me play a Champ Sunday, so this is will be a first for them. So really excited and probably going to take them to a nice dinner in Newport and find some things to do, probably walk the pier and just enjoy the night and get ready for women's doubles with Rianna!

July 5, 2024, 1:05 p.m.

Into the semis! Simone and Jack of course are a great, amazing team, so glad we were able to pull that out. What is amazing too is that the crowd on Championship Court is great with the energy that they bring and the cheering, so really cool to see and play in front of that. What's even more amazing, and I just heard about this, is that there's going to be 1071 matches being played today at Newport with 56 divisions and over 1800 players in this tournament. So definitely an amazing turnout, and I think that really goes to show the APP putting on great great tournaments with a great environment.

July 5, 2024, 11:03 a.m.

I just got done with our first match in the Round of 16 against a Kate and Casey. We actually had a bye going into this match so our biggest talking point between Will and I, we wanted to come out strong knowing that our opponents had that match before so they are already warmed up ready to go. So our intention was to come out firing, executing our shots, staying disciplined, moving our feet. It worked out really well and then we were able to take that and now we'll be ready for quarters.

July 5, 2024, 8:44 a.m.

Today is mixed doubles with Will Howells. We start at 9:30 a.m. but we have a bye here, so usually what my morning looks like is get up maybe three hours before, have a good breakfast, come to the courts maybe an hour to an hour-and-a half before to get stretched out, to get warmed up, because at the end of the day I played singles yesterday and having doubles today and gender doubles on Saturday, kind of getting into that doubles mindset is really important. With singles, you're looking at a little bit more drives. For doubles, you have to get into that mindset of being able to dink at the kitchen, and kind of get used to that mindset there, so hopefully we'll get a good good run here with Will again. We had a good one in New York City where we took gold, so hopefully we can continue that today.

July 4, 2024, 2:57 p.m.

I just lost in the quarters in a close three-setter to Kate. Kudos to Kate, I'm really excited for her to make the semi and hopefully she can go all the way to the gold medal match on Championship Sunday, but since I'm done I'm gonna head to the trainer's, and get stretched out a little bit. Usually my favorite snack once I'm done for the day is something cold like a smoothie or açaí bowl, so got one at the café. I'm actually going to hit the courts again to practice some doubles. Singles and doubles of course are two different games so I wanna make sure I get into the doubles mindset and then get ready for tomorrow.

Usually the day before we play, I usually like to relax at the hotel room and get into the right mindset for tomorrow, but since today is July 4, hoping that I could get a nice dinner with my auntie and mom in Newport, maybe hang around, watch a couple fireworks and then head back to the hotel.

Açaí bowl!

July 4, 2024, 12:28 p.m.

All right, I'm currently in the quarters! I think we have probably a little bit of a wait. So usually around this time I would grab some lunch. They usually supply lunch for the players, so we'll probably get a little small bite, some protein, some sugar, and then get ready. I like to keep it simple with small light salads!

July 4, 2024, 11:27 a.m.

Just finished my first round against Christine. Kudos to Christine, she's a really good player. I won the first set, 15-7, with a couple jitters, switched sides, the wind kind of picked up a little bit, for myself I was making a lot of errors, Christine did a really good job adjusting, making a lot of balls. Third was a battle, and of course being at 14 and having to win on your serve, you need to keep that focus to be able to win the match, but overall a good first round, like I said before it was a very competitive, enjoyable match, but glad to pull that off there.

A big part, and a really cool thing for today, is that my mom and my auntie got to watch me play singles for the first time. So really cool stuff! The aren't the loudest people, but glad to have them here watching me get my first round win there.

July 4, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

This is Bobbi! We're here at The Tennis and Pickleball Club at Newport Beach. Today is singles, and I had a good start this morning. I had to have a good breakfast, my mom and my auntie are here for this week to watch me play. I'm gonna get a good warm up in with Ekaterina, who's also from Hawaii, as well as Jenna. So a good warm up here. First round is against Christine Maddox. A great thing that I've seen actually today for singles is that there are a lot of great players in the shuffle, which is really exciting. It's going to be a tough first round, so really excited to be able to play against Christine - she had a lot of top wins and against a lot of good girls, so hopefully it's gonna be an exciting, competitive match. I respect her game with what she's done. So hopefully it's gonna be a fun one.

Tuesday we got into Newport from Florida, where I currently live.  Yesterday I had a good hit in with Susannah, Yana and Christa, we played a little bit of women's doubles. Then I played a little bit of singles after with Christa, so a short little warm up, then got to spend the day with my mom and my auntie getting some dinner. Now getting ready for singles day!

Tuesday's scenery
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